The Tale Of The Super Blood Wolf Moon And The Two Photographers

The Tale Of The Super Blood Wolf Moon And The Two Photographers

Once upon a time, there where two photographers, Elle and Ty, who lived in Cincinnati, Ohio. One evening a Super Blood Wolf Moon was going to ascend over their city, so they decided to photograph the event. While they were out they found three locations.

In front of them was three venues with different views, a small view, a medium view, and a large view.

The photographers were hungry for the picture, so they met at the first location, with a beautiful pergola. They pulled out their smartphones with TPE apps open. They tried out the first positions, much too close. The second spot was too far down the hill. They hiked up a hill in the distance, but trees obstructed the sky.

The photographers jumped in their cars and went to the second location. But this location was off-target, and the composition was uncomfortable.

Next, the two photographers went up the road, where they found a beautiful view. There was a big field with a canape open to the city skyline. The trees where downhill, the location was just right. The two wanted to settle in to take their images.

In a little while, after the two photographers were standing outside their vehicles, Ty looked at Elle and said in a growly voice, ”This is private property.”

Puzzled Elle stated, ”We have to have permission.”

Then the two photographers heard a sweet little voice.

Standing tall with smiles the two photographers walked towards the voice. They introduced themselves and explained how special the moon was going to be tonight. The two went on to ask if they could take pictures from the yard and the request was granted.

The two photographers ran back to their cars, jumping for joy. They grabbed their camera equipment and headed to the far edge of the field where the two took pictures until they lost feeling in their fingers and toes during that cold evening's sunset and rise of the Super Blood Wolf Moon.

Super Blood Wolf Moon Rising Over Cincinnati, Ohio Elle Pollard 2019

Super Blood Wolf Moon Rising Over Cincinnati, Ohio Elle Pollard 2019

Elle Pollard